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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Ready For Quilting

The Very Berry Lemonade quilt top now has all it's borders and is ready to be quilted. This has been a fun quilt to work on. Purple and yellow are colors that I rarely work with and it never would have occurred to me to put them together, but the combination has really made a great summer quilt. Now it's off to Anya, who has graciously offered to do the quilting! Once it is finished, this quilt will be donated to the local children's home for them to raffle off as a fund raiser...hopefully it will make them a lot of money!


1. SewCalGal said...

This is a beautiful quilt. Love the colors and design. You did an excellent job.

Thanks for sharing.


2. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

That is a really nice quilt. I hope they make tons of money.

3. Anonymous said...

That is so lovely of you Susan and a great money raiser. Like you I don't automatically think of yellow with purple but it really does work. I love purple. :-)

4. Julia said...

Purple and yellow are perfect together. My oldest daughter used lavender and yellow in her wedding. I have green, purple and yellow throughout my house. I love this quilt. I'm sure the quilt will make lots of money.

5. Barb said...

Oh how gorgeous, I love it! I am sure Anya will do a beautiful job with her quilting too! I am anxious to see the finished project! I KNOW it will raise lots of $$, it is so bright and for a very good cause!

6. Lori said...

The quilt sure says summer to me! It is so cheery:)

7. Anya said...

Looks great, Susan. I may have to buy myself a ticket or two!

8. antique quilter said...

Great quilt , love the colors!
So nice of you to donate it, makes you feel good doesn't it?

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