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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Black It Is!

I took the batik strips that I cut for tomorrow's Ami Simms String Quilting workshop to Needles Quilt Shop this morning to audition setting fabrics. I tried several different fabrics and after a few minutes I had it narrowed down to two choices, lime green or black. I liked them both equally as well and was having a tough time deciding until my friend, Kathy (blogless...hint, hint Kathy!) suggested the black batik with lime green quilting and binding. That was all it took...black it is!


1. Deb said...

Yep I know what you mean I would have been torn between those two colours also but sounds like the solution is going to be great, Can't wait to see it in the next stage.

2. Barb said...

Oh boy I can't wait to see the finished project. How about showing us tidbits now and then as you go ;>) p-l-e-a-s-e?

3. Jocelyn said...

This is going to be so beautiful. Very striking batiks, and the black really sets it off!

4. Julia said...

The black really does make the colors pop!

5. Anonymous said...

Ooo Susan, I love the bright batiks. Can't wait to see your finished quilt.

6. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

That will be perfect! Can't wait to see it.

7. jovaliquilts said...

Looks stunning! Do post about the workshop -- eager to hear how it went.

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