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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Black, White Or ???

I mentioned the other day that I am going to take the Ami Simms String Quilting workshop next week. The supply list calls for 2", 1 1/2" and 1" strips, so I spent the evening last night cutting batiks from my stash for the class. Now I need to decide on what color set fabric I should use. From the sample photos shown HERE, it looks as if most people have used black or white. I love black with batiks, but I wonder if another solid might look just as nice? Something like a bright electric green or deep purple? What would you choose?


1. Anya said...

Isn't purple your favorite color? :)

How about a vibrant fuchsia?

2. Jean said...

I love string piecing, how lucky to be able to take a class with Ami Simms, I bet it will be fun!!

3. Jean said...

Oh, yea, in case you wanted advice on what color, I would take several and then you have some to choose from after you get some of your strings made up. They get really busy, so you need something that will really show up well. Sorry if I commented too much!

4. Anonymous said...

Purple! -Maegan

5. Julia said...

I vote for deep purple with all those luscious fabrics!

6. jovaliquilts said...

Oh, choosing the fabrics -- fun!! Not too long ago I would have unhesitatingly said black, but maybe the summer weather is making me think white would have a crisp, fresh look with batiks. I am intrigued by your idea of using purple or electric green. I think it would be very interesting, possibly gorgeous, but the feel would be different -- I think you'd lose some of the crispness of the design. That might be fine, though.

7. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

I saw a batik quilt done with black and it was really awesome! it really showed off the batiks. I think if it were me I might go with the black.

8. Krista said...

I know you already know my response, but let the record show PURPLE!!!!!!

9. Susan said...

I took the String Quilting class with Ami years ago, used colors similar to yours (though I don't think batiks had been invented yet) and put them together with black triangles. I was so happy with the results.
Ami is such a fun teacher. She keeps you laughing the whole time!

10. Karen said...

Electric green sounds wonderful!

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