About Me

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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Whirl Into Winter Quilt Blog Giveaway Win!

I entered several giveaways during the Whirl into Winter Quilt Blog Giveaway and of course I was hoping that I would win something, but I really enjoyed visiting all of the participating blogs more than anything. As it turns out, not only did I find some really cool quilt blogs, but I won something too! Joyce at Quilt Friends Forever drew my name for this "Born in the USA" quilt pattern. It's hard to see in the photo, but the red and white blocks are mini log cabin blocks...what a neat pattern! Thanks again, Joyce!


1. Jean said...

Ooooh, you are the lucky one...they look like fun!

2. Barb said...

Congratulations Susan ~ enjoy your prize!

3. Deb said...

Well done Susan, enjoy making up your new pattern

4. Anya said...

Congratulations! That's the perfect prize for you.

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