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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Star Spangled Banner

Every once in awhile I will come across a treasure while browsing through the local antique and second hand shops and I think this stitchery of the Star Spangled Banner that I found last week is a real treasure! It's hard to tell its age, but the embroidery is amazing and it's in wonderful shape. At some point it was made into a pillow cover, but I think I may make it into a wall hanging...maybe a star border made with civil war reproduction fabrics? It's not like I needed another project, but I just couldn't pass this one by!


1. Anonymous said...

What a wonderful find. I'm reading "Gone With the Wind" at the moment, and the small descriptions of civil war fabrics is fascinating. I think the range "Fabrics for a cause" is based on civil war prints too.

I think it deserves to be a wall hanging too. Your star border is a brill idea.

2. quiltingnana said...

a lovely find...I really must browse thrift shops more

3. Karen said...

What a treasure! Can't wait to see what you do with it!

4. Barb said...

That is truly a treasure... embroidery that is very clearly stitched I might say...WOW! I like your idea of a wall hanging, very clever!

5. Jean said...

What a great find!!! You have all the luck.

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