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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Knitting With My Fingers Crossed

I stopped at one of my favorite yarn shops the other day and found this gorgeous chunky blue green yarn in the bargain bin. As soon as I saw it I knew I would have to make a pair of Yo Mama's Big Fat Booties with it, but unfortunately it was the last of its kind and a few yards short of what the pattern requires. Needless to say, I told myself that hopefully the pattern over estimated the yardage needed to make the slippers and that one skien would be enough to make them. Last night I started knitting...have you ever tried knitting with your fingers crossed?


1. Barb said...

Crossing my fingers with you Susan! That is a beautiful color, good luck on the amount problem! Of course I don't knit, but it seems it would be a bit difficult with fingers crossed ;oD!!

2. Deb said...

Have everything crossed for you Susan, good luck.

3. Anonymous said...

Hia Susan- oh yes indeedy! The socks I made Brian for Christmas were a redo. I was knitting them from a 1930s pattern book in an obsolete yarn type, written in ounces not grammes so something was bound to go wrong. It didn't stop me trying though even if it did mean me going back to a design I had made before successfully with modern yarn.

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