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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

National Day Of Service Challenge

Martin Luther King Day was first observed 23 years ago and in 1994 Congress designated it as a National Day of Service, inspired by Dr. King's words, "everybody can be great because anybody can serve." This year President-elect Obama is asking Americans to participate in a national day of service on Martin Luther King Day (January 19) by doing some kind of volunteer work. Cheri at Jovaliquilts came up with the wonderful idea that quilters can join in by spending the day making charity quilts. There is no school on Martin Luther King Day which means that I will have four little girls (two under the age of two) for the day and that evening is our monthly guild meeting, so quilting on the 19th is probably out of the question for me. That does not mean that I am not going to participate though! My plan is to finish the two Project Linus quilts that I have started and turn them in to our outreach chairperson at Monday night's guild meeting. Here is where the challenge comes in...I challenge all of the Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild members who are reading this to participate in the National Day of Service with me and bring a finished quilt to donate to Project Linus to next Monday's guild meeting. If you aren't a member of the MLQG you can still participate by making and donating a quilt to your favorite charity, hospital or nursing home. Let's all rise to the challenge!


1. jovaliquilts said...

This is great! I hope we have a lot of people join in. It really feels good to be able to give a "tangible hug", aka a quilt, so someone who really needs one.

2. Anonymous said...

That is such a good idea. In these days where money is short, using what you have to make a difference to someone else is such a worthwhile thing to do. It spreads a little much needed happiness. Well done Susan.

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