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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

One Down!

I managed to finish one of the Project Linus quilts that I committed to have done for the National Day of Service on Monday, January 19th. It's nothing special...just a pretty novelty fabric with a border added, but I think a sick child would really enjoy the bright colors, animals and numbers. I have one more Project Linus quilt ready to be quilted and finished and if this wonderful quilting weather continues through the weekend it shouldn't be a problem because I won't be leaving the house!


1. Barb said...

Susan that quilt is perfect for a child to love, project Linus is such a good cause to make quilts for!

You are right this is a weekend to stay in the house...brrrrrrr in my part of PA, it was -12 this morning. I was shocked when I looked at the temps, and it has not reached 0 yet! Have a great weekend ~ stay warm!

2. jovaliquilts said...

Wow, it's adorable! Kids don't care about how much work or how many fabrics -- but they love the bright colors and the fact that it's their own quilt. You're on a roll!

3. Jean said...

Some little one will be so happy to have their own quilt. It is so nice of you to donate to this worthy cause.

4. quiltingnana said...

that quilt is great...what child wouldn't like it!

5. Anonymous said...

Lovely job Susan and for a good cause. Well done.

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