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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Border Ideas?

My two oldest granddaughters each gave me a wonderful quilt block printed with their original artwork for Christmas. Two blocks aren't quite enough to make a quilt, so I think I will to make each into a little wall hanging to display in my sewing room. The blocks are 8 1/4 x 6 1/4 and I would like to add some kind of pieced borders to dress them up a bit, but not anything so busy that it will distract from the artwork. Does anyone have border suggestions for these two beautiful blocks?


1. Rose Marie said...

Those are sweet blocks. What about combining them together into one hanging (they are colour co-ordinated) and the sashings and borders need to be simple to match the artwork. Perhaps just 2" squares picking up the colours from the blocks and a solid colour for the border?

2. Jean said...

Those are so adorable. Who helped them with that?I can't wait to see what you do with them.

3. Anonymous said...

What about a narrow red and then a larger blue as close a match as possible for the apple one, and a narrow dark blue border then a patchwork of blue and white china looking fabrics to complement the lower one and band and bind both in a darker blue and hang them side by side?

Love to see what you come up with -it's a lovely idea of theirs.

4. Casey said...

how sweet! I'm not sure what to add as a border but that's is such a great gift to receive!

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