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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, January 9, 2009

I Would Rather Be Quilting!

This is just a small sampling of UFO's, WIP's and new projects in waiting that I would like to be working on. Unfortunately, duty calls and this time of year I am particularly busy doing the end of the year paperwork for our business and getting tax forms and such ready to send off to the CPA. Hopefully I will be out of the office and back in the sewing room very soon because quilts and knits make much better blog posts than tax forms and spreadsheets!


1. Barb said...

Wouldn't life be so much easier and more fun without taxes and CPAs? But unfortunately playing is our reward and not our fulltime jobs ;>)!! Your UFOs remind me that I have a bunch of those too, oh yes and paperwork for taxes too...DRATS I want to quilt!

2. Deb said...

Patience is a virtue Susan. Just think once done, never to be repeated!

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