About Me

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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

All About The Buttons!

Look at the wonderful knitted mini purse that I won from the A Giveaway A Day! blog! The mini purse was made and donated by Barbara from All About The Buttons. Be sure to check out Barbara's Etsy shop where you will find more of these great mini purses in different colors as well as lots of other hand knits and handmade craft items...all decorated with buttons!


1. Barbra said...

Thanks so much for writing about me. How did those one skein boots turn out? I have done the same,hoping and praying that I'd have enough. Must be my serious case of "Grandma Disease"!!

2. Jean said...

This is adorable!

3. Anonymous said...

Well done. What a lovely little purse.

4. Lynette Anderson said...

That purse is so cute, I will have to go and visit Barbra's etsy store

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