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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Use For Those Fleece Selvages

Remember those fleece selvages that I couldn't part with back a couple of weeks ago? If you need to refresh your memory, you can find the post HERE. Anyway...I found a use for them! The credit for this idea goes to my sister, who suggested making them into dust mop covers! Have you ever noticed how your fleece jammie pants attract every thread and pet hair within a 50 yard radius? Fleece is the logical material for dust mops, not those flimsy "specially treated" disposable dust cloths. This cover only took minutes to make and the rolled edges of the selvages are perfect for picking up and trapping those unruly dust bunnies! When you are finished cleaning the cover goes right into the washer and dryer and can be used over and over!

A basic "How To" for the Fleece Selvage Dust Mop Cover can be found HERE.


1. Anita in Florida said...


I have a whole shelf of fleece...lots of selvedges to use.

Can't wait to try this.

2. Marina Louw said...

What a clever idea and saves a lot of money too! Thank you!!

3. Anonymous said...

Ooohh! I want one! More like I need one, you know what kind of floors I have! LOL

~ Noell

4. SewCalGal said...

Great idea. Thanks for sharing!


5. Mama Spark said...

BRILLIANT!! I need to try this one.

6. Selvage Quilter said...

That is wayyy too clever! I think I'll make a big one for those large spaces. Much quieter than vacuuming too.

7. Karen said...

Very clever!!!!

8. Mrs Quilty said...

Such a good idea! Thanks!

9. Jocelyn said...

What a super idea! Thanks for sharing.

10. Julia said...

You have a brilliant sister!

11. Vicky said...

Check out this blog it has great ideas on what to do with selvedges (is that a real word LOL)


12. Jean said...

this is a great idea!!!

13. Anya said...

Do you want to come to my house to try it out?

14. Rene' said...


15. Anonymous said...

Oh you are such a clever cat Susan. I love that idea. I think you could also use them like an old fashioned mop style too. Wonderful. Ooo wonderfully coloured rag style dusters for things like spider webs. LOL Now you have set my little befuggled brain off when I was thinking of Christmas instead.

16. Barb said...

So did you sew the selvages to another piece of fleece? Brilliant idea.

17. Anonymous said...

Yes, looks like Santa needs to make these for the daughter-in-laws! :)


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