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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

100 Blocks Blog Tour

Have you heard about the 100 Blocks Blog Tour? Quiltmaker's magazine's blog, Quilty Pleasures, is celebrating the publication of their new collector's edition magazine with a week long blog tour of all of the designers featured in this special edition. Not only will you discover some wonderful blogs, but you will find some wonderful giveaways as well! Just visit Quilty Pleasures each day this week to find the links to that day's featured designers and you could win one of the blocks made by the designer or an issue of the 100 Blocks collecter's edition magazine.


1. ~Laurie~ said...

Thanks for the link to this hop - it is so neat to see all these different blocks and blogs. Such creativity out there in the world!!

2. Anonymous said...

What a lovely idea. With so many crafters in blogland it's good to come across some you haven't seen before.

3. 日月神教-向左使 said...
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