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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fleece Selvage Dust Mop Cover Explained

I have had several requests for a tutorial for the Fleece Selvage Dust Mop Cover, but because there are so many different shapes, sizes and styles of dust mops it would be difficult to show a tutorial with proper measurements for each kind of dust mop. However, I am happy to share the technique that I used, then all you have to do is adjust the measurements to fit your particular dust mop.

Measure your mop head to determine the size for your cover. Cut your selvages at least 1 1/2 inches wide (2" is even better). It is not necessary to sew the selvages to a foundation, but a fleece foundation could be used, if desired. Sewing the fleece selvages together for this project is done a bit differently than sewing regular cotton fabric selvages. It is important to leave the rolled edge in tact. (It's this rolled edge that gives this dust mop cover it's "exceptional cleaning ability"!) As shown in the above photo, place the rolled edge of a selvage piece next to another rolled edge and stitch the two pieces together. Continue in this manner until the piece is the desired width. Trim the ends of the piece to length. Now you need to decide how you will attach your cover to your dust mop. I suggest that you use the original cover for your mop as a guide for how to attach your fleece selvage cover or you can just add fleece selvage ties on each end as shown in the smaller photo. Simple as that!


1. Mrs Quilty said...

Great idea! Especially if I cleaned! haha Well, I'm too busy sewing to clean!

2. Anonymous said...

Brilliant Susan you are a genius! Now how do I make a clone to do the housework? I haven't had time to build the cloning machine this side of the pond. LOL I keep promising myself one every year! :-)

3. Teri said...

Hi Susan, this is a great idea. Too bad I don't have any fleece selvages. I wonder if fleece strips could be used. This would be a good gift idea.. Could I have your permission to put a version of your idea in my guild newsletter?

4. Barb said...

What a wonderful idea!!!

5. quiltinbysea said...

Great idea Susan, will make one of these up, would be great for threads in the sewing room

6. free indeed said...

WEll, this is so cool. I don't use my swiffer anymore...I don't like always having to buy the sheets, but this would be a great way to put that mop to use upstairs in the bedrooms (esp under the beds) and wash! Thanks!

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