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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bargello Waves

This quilt was made in the spring of 2008 for my husband's brother. He had suffered a serious stroke and because of the miles between us, there wasn't much that we could do to help, but the one thing that I could do was make a quilt for him. My brother-in-law loves the ocean and sailing, so Bonnie Hunter's Scrappy Bargello pattern made with all blue scraps made the perfect bargello wave quilt for him. At the time I sent this quilt to my brother-in-law the doctors were all saying that he would never have full use of his right arm or walk again, but the one thing that they didn't know was just how stubborn McConnell's are! He now has full function of his arm, can walk on his own and has very few side effects from the stroke. We were in hopes that he and his wife would be able to come home for Thanksgiving this year, but an unexpected heart bypass surgery last month has delayed the trip home. We're going to miss them both at the table this year, but we are just thankful that the surgery went well and that he is well on the road to recovery once again!


1. Betsy said...

It is beautiul. The colors work in harmony.

2. Anonymous said...

What a wonderful quilt and a courageous story to go with it. Sometimes sewing love in a quilt is the best medicine. :-)

3. Diane said...

Beautiful quilt, thanks for sharing the picture and your story. Happy Thanksgiving!

4. Jean said...

I am glad he is doing well...this is a very pretty quilt. Bargellos are fun to do.

5. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Glad to hear he is doing better. I hope you have a nice Thanksgiving.

6. Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Gorgeous quilt and sweet planning you had when you made it. I'm sure he is enjoying it still.

7. Jackie's Stitches said...

The family stubornness has served your BIL well. I'm glad to hear he's fully recovered from his stroke.

Aren't bargello quilts fun?

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