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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Design Wall Monday

I had a wonderful time at the Dear Jane retreat this past weekend and between all the food and fun I even managed to make a little progress on my quilt! I decided to try a braided border (at the insistence of almost everyone in attendance) and I think I like the look, but I'm still not sure that I love it. I'm interested to hear what your opinion about the braided border is...should I sew it or scrap it?

Be sure to stop by Patchwork Times to see what other quilters have on their design walls this week and add your latest project to the list too!


1. Brenda said...

My two cents worth it is too heavy for the blocks. I agree it's lovely but maybe not for this quilt.

2. Dianne B. in England said...

I agree with Brenda -- it's a lovely border and very well done -- but it takes the eye away from the sweet little blocks.

3. jovaliquilts said...

My eye is drawn to the border and not the blocks. It might work if it weren't so dark. But if you don't use it here, I hope you put that braid somewhere else because it's really nice!

4. McConnell Investigations said...

I have to agree, the braid is absolutely beautiful. But I think it belongs on another quilt. You have worked so hard on your Dear Jane blocks so you definately want to have the eye go to their beauty.

5. Quilter Kathy said...

I like a braid border. On my braid quilt I found that the less lights I included, the more I liked it.

6. Lori said...

I love the braided border, just not for this quilt. C'mon, how about a few triangles?! LOL
What about a one patch on point? Or a 4 patch on point? Simple, old fashioned, effective.

7. Needled Mom said...

I agree.....it's gorgeous, but not for this beautiful quilt.

8. Leah said...

I like it! You can easily lighten it up by stitching it heavily with lighter threads.

9. Anya said...

How about just one row of the diagonal stripes, and not the whole braid? Cover up half of the border and take a look.

10. Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Too much border for the quilt.

11. Sarah Vanderburgh said...

I agree with Anya - it's too big. The braid is the same size as the blocks (at least it looks like that in the photo) a smaller scrap something would look good. But I love the braid!! Congrats for getting so much done on your quilt.

12. Barb said...

I love the braided look, and yours is wonderful but I agree with Brenda, it just may be to heavy for this quilt...you Dear jane is busy with color and design, maybe something more simple would do?

13. KatieQ said...

The braid border is fabulous, I would love it on another quilt. The blocks look light and floaty, the border drags it down.

Thanks for sharing it. I would love to make a border like that.

14. Mary-Kay said...

Why don't you do the traditional Dear Jane border? It really adds to the quilt as a whole. When you go to all that work doing the blocks, it wouldn't be much more work to do the border. Listen to me, I haven't even started mine yet. It might take me a few hundred years. I've had this book all set up for 6 months and I've been trying to decide on a colour scheme for it.

15. Quiltdivajulie said...

Love the braid, just not where it is now.

What about using it when you piece the back? It would be WONDERFUL there and your effort would not be for naught.

BTW - This weekend, I baked a batch of the white chocolate chip oatmeal cookies you posted about ... YUMMERS!!!

16. Jackie's Stitches said...

I like the braided border but it does seem to be a bit too big for the size of the blocks who are the star of the show. I like the idea of using it to piece the back of the quilt.

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