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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

We interrupt the usual quilting and crafting to bring you this important message...
Happy Thanksgiving!

Our family has so much to be thankful for as we gather around the dining room table this Thanksgiving. Not only will our USMC son be home for his first family Thanksgiving in 5 years (two of those Thanksgivings were spent in Iraq), but this year we also welcome three new members to our family...two new precious grandbabies who were born last December and a very special gentleman who my mother married in May. Along with the new members to our family, my sister has been given a new lease on life by just completing her last round of chemotherapy for treatment of Hodgkin's Lymphoma and is doing well. Yes, our family is truly blessed!

I wish for you all the blessings of joy, laughter and good health as you celebrate this Thanksgiving with your family and friends!


1. Jocelyn said...

Wishing you and your family a very blessed Thanksgiving!

2. Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all Susan!

3. Lori said...

I'm even thankful for all your blessings!! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

4. Anne at Film and Thread said...

Thank your son for our family and have a wonderful day!

5. Anya said...

Same to you, Susan! Enjoy the day with your family.

6. ~Laurie~ said...

What a cute video - and how true! Enjoy your beautiful family and Happy Day to you too!

7. Quiltdivajulie said...

Love the video clip - thanks for sharing it.

Have a blessed celebration at your house!!

8. Pokey said...

Thank you for sharing in the joy! Loved the video, and had my family come watch. Happy Thanksgiving!

9. Barb said...

Yes, you do have alot to be thankful for.... May your family continue to receive blessing every day. Tell that young man thank you for me!!

10. Rene' said...

You really do have many reasons to be thankful this Thanksgiving. Thanks for sharing all your blessings. Have a wonderful day with your family.

11. Unknown said...

And that is what family is all about~getting thru the hard times to celebrate all that is good~Happy Thanksgiving Susan!

12. Anonymous said...

I loved the commercial. Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving in so many ways. God is good!

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