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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Sometimes Less Is More

Thanks to everyone who offered their opinions and border ideas yesterday! I got some wonderful suggestions and I plan to try several of them to see which will look best. (Santa, if you are reading this...it's times like this when I could really use an Electric Quilt program!) One suggestion was to cover all but a narrow strip of the braid and although I'm not sure this is the look that I want, I think it does prove that I need a much narrower border than what the braid was. Sometimes less really is more!


1. quiltingnana said...

the narrower one is more in line with the block sizes but I do like the braid...guess it depends on the actual size of the quilt and the overall look

2. jovaliquilts said...

Yes, narrower is better! And I sure hope Santa is listening ... !

3. Jocelyn said...

Very clever. I like it a lot.

4. Needled Mom said...

That is much nicer and really shows off the blocks better. Hope Santa has heard you. Did you write your letter to Santa yet????

5. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Somehow I missed your post yesterday on the border but who ever suggested it was right. I do like the braid and it doesn't over run the blocks. I hope you do get EQ6. I have EQ5 and love it.

6. Barb said...

You are right, less is more!!

7. Vivian said...

Hopefully you've been a good girl and Santa will bring you just what you want.
I like the scale of this narrower border.

8. Jackie's Stitches said...

I agree, in this case less is more! I do love the braid and look forward to what you're going to do with it.

I sure hope Santa is reading your blog!

9. julia said...

I'm sure Santa is listening. It might be wise to let a couple of his elves know your wishes, too, though. He gets mighty busy this time of the year. I think the border looks great both ways.

10. Janet said...

I like the look of the narrower border, it's in scale with the small blocks, looks great to me.

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