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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fall Or Spring?

It seems that my forsythia is a bit confused or perhaps it just has the same opinion of winter as I do and it's just hoping to go straight from fall into spring!


1. Terry said...

My forsythias did that one fall! And this fall I've had creeping phlox and chives in bloom too! I think it's all wishful thinking! LOL

2. Anonymous said...

I like your forsythia's thinking. :-) If it wasn't for Christmas I think I would hibernate.

3. Unknown said...

Hmmmm...its 60 degrees in the shade today in Ma.~so beautiful that I am getting out of my sewing space to enjoy it! I will check out my forsythias while I am in the yard~ love these crazy seasons~

4. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

We had a maple tree that did that one year, that was the last time it ever got leaves on it but the grasshoppers helped it out by eating all the leaves and some of the bark off it first.

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