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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, May 21, 2010

@#$% SPAM!

My apologies to anyone who may have seen any of the half a million pornographic Chinese SPAM messages on my blog yesterday. SPAM is probably my least favorite lunch meat and definitely the worst thing to find in my blog comments! I spent all last evening deleting the unwanted comments and I have enabled comment moderation with the hopes of preventing this from happening again. SPAM...yuck!


1. Terry said...

I had the same thing happen to me, and I still get one of those every once in a while. I wish those people would just get a life! LOL

2. Rene' said...

Susan, what a scary thing to happen! All kinds of spam are awful...including the kind that comes in a tin ;-) Enjoy your weekend.

3. Diane said...

I didn't see any...I sort of feel left out...ha-not really.. I'm just in a goofy mood this morning! Must be cuz it's Friday and it's not raining in W.PA!

4. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

I hope that will end it for you. I get a lot of spam mail lately. I think it is all getting worse. I have had my anivirus program working over time lately too. Lots of malware out there too.

5. Cheryl said...

Sorry to hear this , I did not see any on your blog or on mine for that matter , I know it can get pretty bad . We just need to be careful what we open any more, I know its not fair ,some people just don't care . Glad you have it fixed .

6. Janet said...

Lucky I don't read chinese but I got that once and used a translator, lol. Now I moderate after 7 days and it seems to have worked.

7. Sew This N That said...

I had the same happen to me a couple of years ago, its awful and dis-heartening. I changed to moderation soon after and haven't looked back since :)
I still get them but the no longer get onto my blog, I make alot of Popcorn the Bear cards and I keep getting emails from some bloke asking if I will put a link to his blog for selling Popcorn machines! No way earth can freeze over first!

Hope all else is well with you and and your family hun, have a great weekend :0)
*hugs* Heather x
p.s you don't need word verification on now that you are moderating :0)

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