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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

DPN Cases

I normally keep my double pointed knitting needles in the original package that they come in, but the two sets that I bought at the craft sale a couple of weeks ago were not in their original packages and I wanted something a little nicer than a rubber band to hold them together. The answer? Double Pointed Needle Pouches from Kathryn Ivy! These pouches work up fast and the needles fit in them perfectly. The only thing that I didn't like was that I couldn't tell what size needles were inside the pouch. I was just going to mark the size on the pouch with a sharpie marker, but then it came to me that there are numbers on selvages! You guessed it...I fussy cut the appropriate number from a selvage and fused it to the pouch and now it's easy to tell what size needles are inside!


1. Melinda said...

Very cute - love the number idea from selvages. I have enough selvages to number every knitting needle ever made!

2. Mama Pea said...

I love these pouches and your idea for knowing what size needle is inside is brilliant! You could also embroider it if you have an embroidery machine (or I suppose you could do it by hand). Thanks for sharing!

3. Anonymous said...

What a GREAT idea!

4. Quiltdivajulie said...

Very clever!

p.s. I'm hoping to bake a batch of your carrot cake cookies tonight ... they sound so good!

5. Dena said...

I'm not a knitter, but I think this is a brilliant solution for storing your needles as well as identifying their size. Great job!

6. Anonymous said...

That is just too clever and oh so cute!

7. Rene' said...

These pouches are too cute!!! Really fun fabric you used and great idea about the selvages.

8. Janet said...

You are clever, I love them. My knitting needles are just stored willy nilly in a postage tube.

9. Jackie's Stitches said...

Brilliant way to mark your DPN cases!

10. Anonymous said...

Your pouches look absolutely lovely! What a fantastic idea! I know this post is from a while ago, but I was wondering if you still had the process, or even the measurements, for making these? The parent site is apparently down and I can't access the pattern anymore. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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