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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Poor Neglected Jane

Two years ago the Mountain Laurel Quilt Guild formed a group called the Laurel Janes which I happily joined with visions of making my very own Dear Jane quilt. It didn't take me long to realize that vision was just that, a vision or more of a mirage far off in the distance. Once reality took hold, I decided to downsize the quilt to a more manageable size of 32 Dear Jane blocks. Certainly I would be able to complete a throw sized Dear Jane quilt without too much trouble! I planned a simple pieced border and set out to finish the quilt. That was 6 months ago and the top still isn't finished. Schedules changed, so I wasn't able to attend the regular meetings, and without the encouragement from the group I found it difficult to stay on task. Due to the fact that so many members have actually finished their quilts (all 169 blocks plus hand quilting) the group has undergone some restructuring and as it works out I am able to attend the regular meetings again. Yesterday my poor neglected Dear Jane quilt came out of the closet and I'm happy to report that work has resumed and progress is being made once again!


1. Rene' said...

Yay!!!!!! Poor Jane, so glad she has come out of the closet. I like the glimpse of her you have shown. I have my second Dear Jane class tomorrow. Still no support group here that I know of. How cool that you have one.

2. Lori said...

Woo-Hoo!! It's so pretty and I'm sure you'll enjoy working on it again.

3. Diane said...

good for you working on Jane again, she probably just needed a long quiet rest!

4. Vivian said...

It's so easy to put a project aside, but it takes strength and drive to pull it out and resume work on it.
Bravo! and enjoy your time with Jane.
Unfortunately, our support group shut down after 2 years, and I pull mine out only sporadically. There's a lot to be said for encouragement from a group.

5. Anonymous said...

Do it! I have about 70 blocks finished but I've enlarged the squares to 6" using the DJ software. I put it away and pull it out occasionally too. It's in the put away stage right now. I have no intention of completing all the blocks. A support system/group would help! Good luck!

6. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

You will finish it. Sometimes these things just wait for the right time. It will be lovely when you get it done. Glad you can attend the meetings now.

7. Deb said...

Yahoo Jane will be smiling again as you are Susan. I will be happy to get back onto mine sometime also.
hugs Deb

8. Barb said...

She may be neglected, but boy she is looking good from what I see. Keep on going, it will all come together for you! Having the group back together will help, I am sure!

9. Joyful Quilter said...

Is that a pieced border I see? Love it! I think about making a Dear Jane quilt every once in a while...it is so impressive to see a finished quilt, but I know me, I'd never get it finished. Can't wait to see your's done.

10. Janet said...

Sometimes you just need the group to keep motivated. It's lovely and I'm so glad you're back on it.

11. Cheryl said...

I think what you have done so far is beautiful!! Glad you got it back out it will be great when it is done !

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