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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, May 3, 2010

A New Toy

Kelly, of I Have A Notion fame, just celebrated the one year anniversary of her online store by having a giveaway each and every day for 30 days. I was one of the lucky winners and this brand new Flip N Set Ruler just arrived on my doorstep. This ruler is designed for cutting the side triangles when setting quilt blocks on point...without having to use any math! Any tool that eliminates quilt math is a good thing in my book. Now I think I need to start a new project and set some blocks on point, so I can try out my new toy!


1. Pat said...

And of course you will report back to us as you are using this new toy, right?

2. Diane said...

cool tool! let us know how it works for you! I'm a mathphobic myself and I remember thinking during geometery class..."I would NEVER use this stuff what a waste"...
who'd a thunk I'd be playing with these shapes everyday.

3. Anya said...

I love those rulers!

4. Jocelyn said...

Wow that sounds like a great ruler. Let me know you like using it.

5. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Looks like a nice tool. By all means start an onpoint quilt so you can play with your new ruler.

6. Lori said...

Strawberry fields would be a nice little project with blocks on point!! LOL

7. Barb said...

Congratulations, I think that will make *on point* seem more doable. Doing the math is way too much work, when going on point I waste way too much fabric...let us know how it goes please!

8. Barb said...

Congrats on your win....and yes, I do want to hear all about it's performance.

9. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

Woo hoo....a tutorial...take lots of pix :)


10. Rene' said...

Can't wait to see what cool things you make with the new toy!

11. Pokey said...

Looks like a "necessity" to me, too! *smile* have fun, and show me how much I need it, also.

12. Janet said...

Make sure you let us know what it's like when you try it out, it looks interesting.

13. Peggi Yac said...

I have one of those rulers. Wouldn't cut setting triangles any other way. No big squares to cross cut anymore!

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