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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Posey Pincushion

The lil' Cowboy's mommy has been learning to knit and I just had to share a photo of the pincushion that she made for me for Mother's Day. The pattern that she used is Posey from Kris Knits and it turned out just as cute as can be!


1. Cheryl said...

That is really cute tell her she did a good job . I like it that she put buttons on top .
I love the handmade pin cusions ,have you seen the ones that look like a tea cup ?

2. Lori said...

Very cute! What a special gift!!

3. Terry said...

Awe...how sweet is that! :0)

4. Barb said...

Cute.....great job!

5. Anonymous said...

I feel special! I'm happy you like it and I know it will get plenty of use. :o)

6. Joyful Quilter said...

What a cute pin cushion!

7. Barb said...

That is such a cute gift, and what a treasure that she made it for you! I can see more projects in the future, how about you? Enjoy your weekend!

8. Mrs Quilty said...

What a darling gift! It's so fun when someone comes up with a creative new idea! I'm a knitter too and am presently working on my first pair of sox......it's going ok but have had to rip and start again several times.

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