I don't know if there is a specific time frame that makes a project a UFO, but I think spending 6 months in a closet makes a project about as close to a UFO as you can get. It has been pointed out to me that once work resumes on a UFO (Un-Finished Object) it becomes a WIP (Work In Progress). I guess my Dear Jane quilt is no longer a UFO and is a WIP now that I have started working on the borders, so I did actually make progress on a UFO this week, but something tells me that I need to work on some of the other quilts that I have vowed to finish before they turn from WIP's back into UFO's again!
Did you work on your UFO this week?
yes I did Susan. I have been delingently working on my grandmothers flower garden. I am wanting to quilt it so I need to work work on the flowers and the path hexies.
Nope...no UFO work for me this week, but I'm happy to see the progress you have made!
That looks very promising Susan!
No ufo's this week, just a wip. Keep going.
I don't know, everyone probably has their own definitions but for me once I set a quilt aside, it becomes a UFO and stays one until it's done!
The coins quilt is very cute!
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