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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Sure Sign Of Spring!

My friend, Madalene, commented on yesterday's post that the only sign of spring that she has seen in our area is a little golden tinge to the goldfinches. "Not even a red-winged blackbird yet." Well Madalene, this photo is for you...have a look at who showed up under my bird feeder this afternoon! My grandpa always said that a red-winged blackbird was a better sign of spring than a robin, so spring must surely be here now!


1. ~Laurie~ said...

What a beautiful sign!! Almost all of our snow is gone here in Maine and the daffodils are peeking up their little green heads - surely it must be coming!

2. Rene' said...

It sure feels like spring here! Love your blackbird friend. Great picture!

3. Jean said...

Woo hoo! I'm ready, that's for sure.

4. Madalene Axford Murphy said...

I am so jealous, but spring is always a little later up here on this hill. I did, however, see more than thirty robins in our yard and around our barn today at lunch time, but I can't call it spring until I see that red-winged blackbird.

5. Anonymous said...

How wonderful. We don't get that bird here!

6. Janet said...

It must be exciting to see alll those signs of spring. We still have nice weather heading into autumn.

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