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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Did You Work On Your UFO This Week?

As you can see by the photo, my Thangles blocks are still on the UFO wall, but wait...what are the blocks next to it? You guessed it, another UFO and these matchstick blocks are even older than the Thangles blocks! I'm trying to decide how I want to finish the Thangles blocks, so I thought I would work on something different while I'm waiting for inspiration.

Did you work on your UFO this week?


1. Betsy said...

They look great Susan. Can you combine some of your UFO's into 1 or 2 projects?

2. quiltingnana said...

yes, I created more UFOs!

3. Ariane said...

I love your match stick blocks they look wonderful.

4. ktquilts said...

Nope, but does working on four quilts at the same time to keep them from being UFOs count?? Please say it does...


5. Janet said...

My answer would be no and I have no shame, is that bad, lol. I think having them on the wall would help. I might need a lot of walls. I do like your projects and the colours are very appealing.

6. Quilts and Cats said...

I love the matchstick blocks! That's a great design. What size are these blocks?

7. Mary @ Neat and Tidy said...

I love the colors of the match stick blocks! It'll be a beautiful quilt when you finish it.

8. Quilter Kathy said...

Yep...I finished one...yippee!
I like your matchstick blocks!

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