American Patchwork & Quilting is challenging anyone who can operate a sewing machine to make a difference in their community by making a pillowcase and donating it to a local charity. A bright cheerful pillowcase can make a big difference in the day of a cancer patient, a child in foster care, a battered woman or a nursing home resident. For more details on how you can help APQ meet their 1 million pillowcase goal, visit www.allpeoplequilt.com/millionpillowcases
What a pretty picture on this post, and a wonderful goal! Keep on sewing, we should all follow your example, just imagine the number of pillowcases if we were to step-up to the plate on this one! Have a wonderful week!
I still have a pillowcase that a resident at Bethany made for me and I have it hanging on my ladder in our bedroom, cause it it too pretty not to display. Great idea!!
Lou said to tell you that he still has the one Ande made him with airplanes that hangs on the back of a rocking chair in the bedroom.
They look lovely Susan and for such a good cause. Love the purple one!
I have also joined the challenge. I am making 100 pillowcases to the local woman's shelter. So far I have sewn 60, with the remaiing 40 cut out ready to sew.
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