My goal to finish all of my UFO's before starting any new projects may be in jeopardy! I was able to resist buying fabric at the quilt show, but I wasn't able to pass by the books, patterns and templates! I've been admiring the Cut-Loose quilts that Millie from
Millie's Quilting has been working on, so when I saw the book at the show I had to pick up a copy for myself. Tumbler block templates are hard to find, so when I saw this little 3" template I had to pick that up as well. Then I saw a beautiful sample quilt hanging in a vendor's booth made using the 4-Layer Cake pattern. There were kits available for the quilt, but I resisted and just bought the pattern instead. I thought I was doing good by not buying any fabric, but now that I have these new books and patterns in the house they have joined forces with my fabric stash to try and lure me away from my UFO's! You know what they say about the best laid plans...
Cut-Loose Quilts is available from
Amazon.com3" Tumbler Quilt Template is available from
Come Quilt With Me4-Layer Cake quilt pattern is available from
Quilting Connection
We all know that there is no way to come home from a quilt show without a "little something" to remember the trip. I love your photos. Lancaster is one show I'd love to come to. Maybe one of these days. I have not seen the 4 layer cake pattern.
I too pick up more patterns than fabrics at shows. Your patterns look interesting.Holding back the urge to start someting new will be hard.
You've been doing so well I think you deserve to have a reward. Don't fight it; go ahead and start something! You've earned it!
Be strong Susan you can do it! Just think of how you will feel starting something new with clean decks and no UFOs lurking to make you feel guilty.
Failing that set yourself a target of say 5 more UFO finishes before you get to start a new one? I like working to targets and lists. :-)
Oh goodness why dump all that guilt on yourself...just have FUN!!! I love having lots going!!I put the UFO's away find them later and like having a NEW project! Haha! I sure wish I could have gone to this show too maybe next year.
Have fun with your goodies!
That was my plan too, and it worked for about a month! Lasted longer than I thought it would! LOL
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