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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Did You Work On Your UFO This Week?

The best part about this UFO project is that you all are holding me to my commitment to get them done! After I posted that I didn't have any UFO progress to report last week Terry of Terry's Treasures gave me strict orders to get the top done. I would like to say that I did just that, but it didn't happen. I do have some progress to report though and I am happy to say that the blocks are now finished! Hopefully that will count for something!

Did you work on your UFO this week?


1. Terry said...

Uh oh...now I sound like some sort of quilt bully! LOL I say progress of any kind is a good thing! The blocks look great, btw! :0)

2. jovaliquilts said...

Congrats on finishing the blocks! You asked to be kept on track, good for Terry for helping.:)

3. Barb said...

Your project is coming along....give yourself alittle credit!!

4. Joanne Lendaro said...

Terry is such a bully! hahaha! The blocks are looking good! Keep up the good work and another UFO will bite the dust!

5. Jackie's Stitches said...

Progress DOES count! Terry was just giving you a little reminder.

I actually finished something this week that I started last fall.

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