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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Best Things In Life Are Free

Yesterday Barb from Bejeweled Quilts By Barb made a great point about my new selvage bag...it cost next to nothing to make! That thought hadn't occurred to me, but because I used selvages, scraps and a zipper that I already had on hand, it was basically free. For that reason, I thought I would sew a selvage change purse to hold all the money I saved!


1. Gypsy Quilter said...

What a cute idea!

2. Ariane said...

That's a great idea!! Love it!!

3. andsewon said...

Love your bag and this wallet!! I too have saved them for over 2 yrs to do up a quilt show bag...maybe I better get to it before next one !;-)
Hope you enjoy the show!

4. Needled Mom said...

Cute....I love the selvage bag too. Now...if you sold it think of the profit margin!!!!

5. Sara said...

Oh my gosh, I absolutely love this! If only I knew how to put a zipper in!

6. Melinda said...

Love your bag and change purse. I really like selvage projects.

7. Julia said...

What a great idea!!!!

8. Dena said...

This will nicely compliment your purse. Great idea!

Your blog title reminded me of a time when my husband and I were dating. His favorite saying was "I Got It For Free!" I nicknamed him Swap Meet Bob to match and it has stuck with him through the years. LOL

9. MJE said...

Okay Susan, what else are you making out of selvages? Maybe I should not ask. Looking forward to the show.
I promise to check my jeans before we leave!!!!!!!!!

10. Anonymous said...

I figure we pay good money for the fabric when we first bought it...let us not waste a single bit of it or it would be like throwing it away. I love seeing selvage projects and yours is perfect!

11. IHaveANotion ~ Kelly Jackson said...

I am all over saving money....and free is the very best ever:)


12. Rene' said...

Cute change purse too. My selvage projects never turn out this way ;-(

13. Janet said...

I think you've caught the selvage bug. What a neat purse, I love it. Maybe I should start saving selvages.

14. Anonymous said...

Great idea. I do like it when I can make a bonus project from left overs. :-)

15. Jackie's Stitches said...

Barb makes a very good point! The change purse is really cute.

16. Anonymous said...

Very cute!

17. Amy O. said...

Love this!! Thanks for the idea!

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