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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

What's A Quilter To Do?

It started innocently enough with a quick stop at a fabric store just to have a look around. I have lots of fabric, I don't need any fabric, and goodness knows I have projects that I am already working on so there was no need to buy anything. I was just going to see what there was to see. Then all of a sudden a bolt of fabric caught my eye..."Oh, isn't this pretty?!" The rest I can blame on my sister because she is the one who said that the print reminded her of a tablecloth that our grandma once had. Then she pointed out another "tablecloth print" and another and another! It was then that the wheels started turning and I knew that I HAD to make a table topper with these prints! Now there is a beautiful stack of flowered prints sitting on my cutting table mocking me every time I say, "I can't start the table topper until I get some of these other projects finished!" They are so hard to ignore! This project would be perfect for the spring fever that I have been suffering from, but I really need to keep working on my other projects and keep up with my promise to finish my UFO's. What's a quilter to do?


1. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

There is always the old saying..When in doubt don't Then the other one...Throw caution to the wind. I'm telling you it is dangerous to stop at the quilt shop to see what's new. Awhh go ahead and start it.

2. Pokey said...

Sometimes, the something new project helps inspire and motivate you into finishing others. That's how creativity works, I think. :-}

3. Lori said...

The fabrics remind me of the bright cheerful feedsacks. What a score!!!

4. Betsy said...

I feel your pain Susan but a table topper will not take a long time to make and it is always good to create when your mind is energictic and eager to create.

5. Krista said...

In my defense I would like to point out that I mentioned you had PLENTY of other stuff that needed finished!!!

6. Barb said...

YOu are so right, what is a quiter to do....and with someone egging you on too...what are sisters for? Love the fabrics

7. Barb said...

Wellllllll they are really bright and pretty fabrics...I say "you did good"...and those UFOs will just encourage you to turn them into finished projects, so you can get to this **new** fabric! See quilters can always make things rational ~ you did ask "whats a quilter to do"?? Enjoy your weekend!

8. Deb said...

Susan, love you to bits when you do stuff like this. It means you can't tease me as much!! LOL.
Those fabrics will make a beautiful table topper and if the weather is getting you down then go ahead and get on top of it and make it now to cheer yourself up.
hugs from Summer temperatures,
Deb xx

9. Jackie's Stitches said...

Follow your instincts!

I love the bright and cheery fabrics.

10. Rose said...

You might as well start it...who wants to work on spring things in the summer....

11. Anya said...

Oh come on, Susan...quit blaming someone else and admit that you have a problem...Join the club!

12. Meadows08 said...

Stay strong in your resolve! You can resist the lure of the table topper! LOL

13. Rene' said...

"What's a quilter to do?"...exactly what you did!!!

14. 日月神教-向左使 said...
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