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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

How Can You Help?

A friend of mine recently asked "Where is God among the destruction in Haiti?" and then she answered her own question..."God is in the face of every person who reaches out to help the people of this devastated land." Most of us cannot physically go to Haiti to help, but there are ways that we can help from our own homes. Donate to a reputable disaster relief organization such as The American Red Cross, World Vision or UNICEF. You can also donate from your cell phone with something as simple as a text message to Yele Haiti. Just text YELE to 501501 to automatically donate $5. Closer to our crafting hearts, there is Craft Hope, a blog and Etsy shop where all proceeds will be donated to Doctors Without Borders. All of these donation suggestions will certainly lend aid to those who are suffering, but I believe that one of the most important things that we can do for these people is to keep them all in our prayers. God is in Haiti and He will work through us if we only answer the call.


1. Anonymous said...

Yes Haiti is big in the news here too. There was an indepth programme explaining the logistic problems- the port is damaged with no cranes so boat loads of aid can't land there so some goods are coming in via the Dominican Republic and trying to go overland on very damaged roads. Only 1 plane at a time can land at the small airport and communications are needing to be resetablished. Such a complex situation with so many needs for those who have lost everything.

2. Rene' said...

Well said. So much need, so many wanting to help, but not always knowing the best way. I've definitely been praying. My daughter's classmate's father is one of the many American's still missingin Haiti. He was staying at the Hotel Montana. I am about to check out Craft Hope's Etsy shop. Our school (my kids' school, I should say) is partnering with a business who already has a foundation set up and is matching donations dollar for dollar.

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