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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Have you looked at the machine quilting thread selection lately? There are enough different brands of cotton, polyester and cotton/poly blends to make your head spin. Add in the different thread weights and the topic of thread really gets confusing! What's a new machine quilter to do to solve this thread mystery? She asks her quilty friends, of course! The funny thing is that each of my quilty friends prefers a different kind of thread! I guess there isn't a right or wrong thread for quilting, so the answer must be to use the thread that works the best for you and your machine.


1. ktquilts said...

Same quilty thoughts. I am trying to use up my thread stash. Coats & Clark mostly, but it fills my machine up with lint. I am tired of vacuuming it out after every project. Gutterman is some better. Any suggestions... I don't want to break the bank.

2. Anya said...

Hey, we all have different tastes in spouses, so why not thread? For some, trial and error is the method...

3. Dora, the Quilter said...

I love a balance between the quilting and the pattern in the quilt top, so most often I quilt with a "shiny" thread. My favorite quilting thread is Glide thread by Fil-Tec. It truly does glide through the needle. I use more gold thread than any other color. The only thing that would make me happier is if it came in variegated colors, and I understand their working on it. I like variegated colors because that too helps the quilting show up more.

4. Anonymous said...

I had a book years ago which said to match your thread to your item- so polyester threads were for synthetic items and cotton threads for cotton items. I think since then though and all these modern advances that things have changed. I use Gutterman as they have large reels which work out a bit more economical on large projects. They are easy to get hold of too if you run out.

5. Terry said...

I didn't have a clue as to what thread to use. I started out just using up whatever I had on hand. Then I started using what everyone at my quilt guild was using and it works great. :0)

6. Diane said...

I get confused with threads too. I just started using Superior's So Fine thread in my bobbin with I LA-I use a neutral color and love it. I ordered some of the Bottom line, which is 60wt I believe and I'm going to try that on one of my next quilts. I'm wondering about the lighter weight, but others seem to love it-I think you gotta just try them, seems like everyone's machines run different. I agree w/KT about Coats & Clark being linty-and am trying to use mine up too...but geeze you can really break the bank on some of the brands. I really like the thread from Connecting Threads (catalog or online) it's a little linty but they have wonderful colors and you can't beat the price.

7. Unknown said...

My machine loves Aurifil 50 wt so thats what I buy!! I never have to fuss with thread tension so I can get to the fun part which is quilting! I do look for sales and try to stock up with basic colors...

8. Barb said...

I love the threads from connecting threads.....

9. Jocelyn said...

When I first started quilting there were no choices. Now there are so many it boggles the mind for sure. I've learned to listen to my machine. Some threads seem to work better then others, but again everyone's machine is different. I've got a personal preference, but it may not work for you or your machine. I think trying different brands helps, and narrow it down to what makes your machine sing.

10. Mrs Quilty said...

Yes, too many choices of threads and which is best.....I mostly buy Gutterman because that is what my quilt store has. It seems to work great. I hate it when the machine gets all dusty and thready inside and has to be cleaned out. Sometimes I can't stop long enough with projects to clean it out!!! Watch out, mad woman at the sewing machine!!

11. Barb said...

Thread colors are just gorgeous, I love seeing the colors together as you show them, or in my thread drawer! I am a "Connecting Threads" fan too...so when Granddaughter and I need thread, an order goes in! She loves the bright threads and I go for the more traditional...but we share :>)!! Have a great weekend!

12. wordmama said...

I think this is an interesting discussion. My LQS owner really likes Aurifil, so I bought some recently when she had a sale. It is truly the finest, smoothest thread I have ever used. I usually use good brands: Robison-Anton, Gutterman, Mettler cotton threads. Also Gutterman poly, but not as much as I used to. I am thinking about trying the Connecting Threads thread. Also, how do you feel about their fabric?

13. ktquilts said...

Just ordered some thread from connecting threads. I will try to remember to let you all know. For sure will post on my blog.


14. Anonymous said...

I haven't had any problems with the thread from Connecting Threads. I bought a new Bernina 440 last summer and this is what they suggested. I wind three bobbins at a time, when I finish the last one, I pop out the bobbin case and the hook, use my little vaccuum attachment and vaccuum everything out, a drop of oil on the hook and put it all back together. My machine always sounds smoother.

15. Jackie's Stitches said...

I love to use Aurifil. The orange spool is cotton. It's a low lint thread.

16. Marina Louw said...

I love Superior Thread's selection of cottons - go and have a look on their website - they also tell you what size needles to use etc. Very helpfull website.

17. quiltingnana said...

a great question to pose....I have been using a variety of threads nothing really spectacular. It used to be there was just one kind of thread (Coats and Clark) but now there are just so many...I just put in an order to Connecting Threads too...heard it was good...will soon find out Know what the bloggers mean about the cost of thread!

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