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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dreaming Of Spring

My husband keeps telling me that it's too early to get spring fever, but I'm afraid I have a bad case of it! Yesterday I checked these two books out of our local library. Both Garden Inspired Quilts and Flower Pounding have beautiful photos and lots of ideas for making quilts inspired by flowers from your garden. I can hardly wait for the flowers to start blooming, so I can try a few of these projects, but for now I guess I'll just have to be satisfied to read through the books and plan my flower quilts while waiting for spring to arrive.


1. Anonymous said...

LOL it's better than me 3 of the 4 BOMs I'm making are Christmassy! I think looking towards Spring is far more sane.

The books look like they'll give you loads of ideas.

2. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Seems like it has been a long winter already and I am ready for spring too. After all, the stores here have seeds out already.

3. andsewon said...

No not strange at all.
My DH is ordering all kinds of seed catalogs and such.
I saw a flower pounder once on Alex Anderson's show Simply Quilts and she made a block from them.
We have to keep looking ahead...;-)

4. Tami said...

Ah Spring! I can't wait! I'd love to see what you end up making.

5. antique quilter said...

oh when I pull out the 30's fabrics I know spring fever has hit
its snowing right now and I am loving it
it looks so pretty out
can't wait to see what you make with these books...lots of inspiration I bet!

6. Barb said...

Well...in order to have a good garden you have to plan...right??? The books look interesting and fun!!

7. Deb said...

Its always good to be prepared isn't it Susan? Sometimes the husbands just don't understand that fact. Those books are delightful. Enjoy and can't wait to see all the ideas you get from them made up!
hugs Deb

8. Jackie's Stitches said...

I'm in Florida and even I am dreaming of spring!

9. webbsway said...

I believe that you are not by yourself ! There are many of us who have "Spring Fever " already! ~smile~
I love the books . I have read that the "flower pounding" is awesome!
I had planned to spend January getting caught up on my reading ??? lol ! At least I am still getting some sewing caught up.
I am just happy doing what ever and I have been counting my Blessings . My list is too long to print but being allowed to have all of my E-buddies is a very special gift. To be allowed to visit with them and see what everybody is working on is so amazing to me . Maybe progress is not so bad???? ~smile~

10. 日月神教-向左使 said...
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