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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

UFO's, WIP's & PIG's

UFO's (UnFinished Objects), WIP's (Work In Progress) and PIG's (Projects In Grocery Sacks)...we all have them! Some of us have more than others though and I'm the first one to admit that mine are out of control! For example, see the bag of Thangles Buck A Block's on the left? They are from 2007! Anya and I decided to make Christmas quilts using those blocks. Her quilt has been finished, gifted and it is probably half way to being worn out by now. I have a whopping 5 blocks finished! Needless to say, it's time for me to do something about all these unfinished projects that are taking up space in my closet. Each week I am going to set aside some time (even if it's just a few minutes) to work on one of my UFO projects and then on Friday's I will post my progress (big, small or none at all). Accountability can be a great motivator! If you have UFO's that you would like to finish, you are welcome to join me in my efforts...I'd love the company!


1. Vivian said...

I've also been compling a list of my UFOs, WIPs, and such. How does it get out of control so quickly? I totally agree with your statement about accountability. I'll follow your progress, and if I get brave enough, I'll mention my own now and then.

2. Anya said...

You forgot about PhD's...Projects Half-Done!

3. Joanne Lendaro said...

I am right there with ya!! I did an excel spread sheet and I've got 24!! The sick part of that is I've only been at this for 3 years! I've joined http:


Hope the link works...I need to fix the link on my blog it doesn't! agh! Okay, it's how ever many projects you want to do in six months. Short comittment-my kinda time frame!!

Good Luck!! You are not alone. :)

4. Linda said...

Great idea. I too have joined one of those Buck a Month groups. I jointed for 2009 and have a few done. I rejoined for 2010 and my goal is to have each block finished before the next one is available.

5. Gypsy Quilter said...

If my studio/work space were all set up, I'd be tempted to join you. Heaven knows I've enough for a year of Fridays. It's a marvelous idea though.

6. Needled Mom said...

Accountability can be brutal sometimes. I hope that you accomplish all you set out to do.

7. Jackie's Stitches said...

I think awareness is the first step in working on unfinished projects. You've taken a good step and have a plan to finish them up. I've only been quilting a year and I have a few of my own that I need to work on as well. It's very easy to get caught up in the next project and "I'll work on it next weekend". I've been so much better about finishing my knitting projects and keeping the WIPs under control. I look forward to seeing what you're working on. What are you working on first?

8. Anonymous said...

Brill idea Susan. I love lists for the buzz I get when I can tick something off. Would it be scarey but brave to make a list of your UFOs then put a line through each as they are finished on your sidebar? Then at the end of the year you can see just how much you have achieved?

9. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Why is it so hard to get back to a project that you have let go? I think you have to be twice as motivated as you were when you started it.

10. Mrs Quilty said...

UFO's are hard....I can't work on them with any resolve unless I have decided what I'm going to do with that particular project. They just become boring and I have to move on to something else! Oh well, some day!

11. Rene' said...

Great...didn't know PIG's existed...now I find out I have them in addition to UFOs and WIPs. Good for you holding yourself accountable. They do accumulate quickly. I look forward to seeing your progress.

12. Jocelyn said...

Oh Susan I have the very same problem. It's just too much fun to start new projects. These poor sack projects get left behind. I was very glad to finish my pink and brown quilt and gave it to my daughter for her birthday. Did I finish it exactly how I envisioned it? No, but it IS finished and she is using it. Yea!

13. Krista said...

All I have are PIG's now... only 6 of them. My UFO's are all done well i do have that one WIP quilt but i have to stay home to do that.... the pigs are getting finished up

14. Barb said...

I am lauging.....sorry...found your post funny.....but motivating too.

15. Meadows08 said...

Oh so quilters, not just stitchers, are guilty of UFO's & WIP's too! I'm glad to see it's not limited to one craft! LOL

16. PatchworkRose said...

You are a brave woman :-) Right now I am focusing on my Civil War Bride Quilt and my Nearly Insane Quilt. That is enough oops forgot the Kaffe Quilt that I am about to start. Cheers

17. Jean said...

That's a great goal...I need to set that goal for bindings. I have several ready.

18. Kileen said...

I thank you for giving an acronym to projects in bags, as I have many of those stashed everywhere.

19. 日月神教-向左使 said...
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