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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Slice & Dice

I promised my daughter-in-law a bed runner for Christmas and here it is half way through January and it still isn't done. I do have it started though! I'm using an easy "slice and dice" pattern with random strip sizes and placement, so it shouldn't take too much longer to get it all together. Hopefully I will have it all done by the time the new bedroom is finished!


1. Quiltdivajulie said...

Estimated dimensions for this? I've seen several folks reference bed runners... guess I need to do some reading up on this!

2. Meadows08 said...

It's going to be beautiful!

3. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

I like the slice and dice. Did you just slice and that was it or did you have some dimensions too?

4. Joanne Lendaro said...

Looks cool, love the colors!

5. Jocelyn said...

Very pretty colors. Can't wait to see it finished :-)

6. Jackie's Stitches said...

I'm not familiar with the term "bedrunner". I'm interested to find out! It's looking good.

7. Anonymous said...

I think you will have plenty of time... :) You will have to come over and take a picture once it is all put together in the bedroom.

8. Rene' said...

I'm not familiar with the term bed runner either, but this looks pretty. You picked some really rich fabrics.

9. Diane said...

mmmm love paisley's and anything blue.

10. Lori said...

Seriously, this is the first time I've ever heard of a bed runner. Where does it go?

11. Angel said...

Love the fabric choices!

12. Kathy said...

Not too sure what a bed runner would be, but your fabric choices sure are lovely.

13. Needled Mom said...

It looks awesome. Those colors are great together.

14. Marie Rayner said...

I love the colours. That is going to be so pretty when it is done! I am sure she will think the wait was well worth it!

15. Anonymous said...

Lovely progress Susan. I love how the greys make it look shaded.

16. Mrs Quilty said...

Love that bed runner---the colors are perfect!

17. 日月神教-向左使 said...
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