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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Knitting And Netflix

A girl who is not coordinated enough to walk and chew gum at the same time, should know better than to try and knit while watching a movie! Even a simple knit 3, purl 1 ribbing was too much for me while watching Angels & Demons last night. I ended up ripping out most of what I did and starting over.


1. Dena said...

Well if it makes you feel better, I don't think I could have sewn while watching this movie and been very successful at it either. LOL I hope you're able to make more progress today than last yesterday.

2. Barb said...


3. Kileen said...

I'm the exact same way! My gram can knit away while watching TV but I always end up making mistakes and ripping it out.

4. Barb said...

I can have the movie going while I sew, but actually I am only listening and not watching...so kind of a waste, either I forget where I am on my project when I glance up or I miss the action in the movie LOL!! Have a great week, hope you can stay warm!

5. Jackie's Stitches said...

I still can't knit and follow a movie at the same time. I lose the plot or mess up the knitting! I'm not sure I'll ever be able to do both at the same time. I've heard stories of people who can knit and read and the same time. Just crazy!

6. Mrs Quilty said...

I do both at the same time and often have to rip out....but I keep trying because it's so relaxing!! Oh well, practice makes perfect!! Happy New Year!

7. Messy Karen said...

if i'm involved in a project i just listen to the movie to get a feel for it. and then after when i need a break i watch it again for real.

8. Shelly said...

We don't have "real" TV where we live, so all we can do is watch DVDs. My movie-watching project is simple knitting back and forth without a pattern, or I'd be in the same pickle as you!

9. 日月神教-向左使 said...
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