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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Missing Quilt

See the lovely little Charming Circles quilt in the photo? This photo is all that Kimberly Einmo has left of her wonderful quilt because someone had the audacity to steal this quilt while she was giving a trunk show at a local quilt shop. I don't understand what makes someone steal to begin with, but it's hard think that a quilter would stoop so low as to steal a quilt (or anything for that matter) from another quilter, but who else would attend a trunk show at a quilt shop? On top of that, Kimberly is a designer and author, so if someone loved this little quilt so much that she had to have it for her own, she only needed to purchase Kimberly's new book, Jelly Roll Quilts and More, and make one for herself! I know that things like this happen and that there is good and bad everywhere, but today I can't help but ask, what is this world coming to?

You can read the full story about Kimberly's stolen quilt on her blog, Quilting with Kimberly and if you have seen this quilt or know of its whereabouts, please contact Kimberly Einmo.


1. Tammy said...

that is just awful, i can't imagine who would do such a thing. they can't truly appreciate quilting that is for sure, because the love and time put into each quilt is so valuable, you would never take something like that. i don't understand someone who steals either, perhaps this person will rethink their wrong and make it right, at least we can hope.

2. julia said...

that would be like having a part of your soul stolen I would think!

3. Anonymous said...

Wow...is all I can say. Who would ever think of doing such a thing? It is hard to believe that someone would stoop that low...but guess it happens in all circles of life!

4. Anonymous said...

Chris said....
I have heard about this happening more and more not only theft from shows, but craft shop display items and in the mail...you have to wonder what is in this persons head that they thought they could steal something like that at a gathering.....I am sure that anyone that quilts or does any other craft would not do this because they appreciate the hard work that goes into something...
Hope this turns out okay for your fellow quilter...there is Karma and that Karma will come back to the person who stole the quilt I believe...

Kind regards Chris...NZ

5. Jean said...

How awful, especially when she was nice to go there to do a trunk show!

6. Pattilou said...

It's hard for me to even fathom how someone would go about stealing a quilt. Do they have an accomplice? Oh, my, what will they do with once they've got it?

I do hope it finds its way back to its owner.

7. Anonymous said...

There is a web site which specialises in posting pics of missing quilts making them too hot to show off to other people or sell on.
I see the quilt is reported on there.

I was worried about a table topper I sent on the 6th but arrived on the 23rd but that was just a post delay. To have a quilt deliberately stolen, now that is plain nasty!

8. Rose said...

Shame on whoever stole it...thieving really gets to me. Someone stole the radio out of our truck last year. It was just a cheap one so why they stole it is more than I know. I am so tired of having to have everything under lock and key...it is horrible. We keep our garage locked all the time...even if we are home.

9. 日月神教-向左使 said...
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