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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind?

After looking through my UFO basket yesterday, I realized that I had forgotten about most of the projects that were in the basket. Projects get packed up for one reason or another and then become buried in the closet never to be thought of again. Out of sight, out of mind! Could this be the reason why I have so many UFO's? Maybe. Yesterday afternoon I covered a 4'x4' foam insulation board with a piece of flannel and hung it on the wall above my sewing machine and on it, I hung this week's UFO project. Now I will see this project every time I sit down at my machine and it will be on my mind even if I am working on a different project. No more out of sight, out of mind!


1. Anya said...

Hmmm...where have I seen that project before?...

2. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Looks like it will be a nice quilt. I am not sure that would work for me, I would probably just use it as wall art, LOL

3. andsewon said...

We all seem to be in the 'green mode'.. hahah! This will be a lovely quilt.
I too need to do the same thing.
I will get side tracked so easily though form projects I am NOW doing if I dig anymore!!
I was thinking I need to find a place for a design board though...the floor is just not working anymore for my old body!!;-)

4. Lori said...

Great idea and cute blocks too!

5. Betsy said...

Susan i love the color combination on that UFO. I do hope you get inspired to finish it. By the way, were you the one who sent me the fabric squares?

6. Needled Mom said...

Such a great idea!!!! That should force you to finish it if you want to change your color scheme for your sewing area!!! lol

7. Rose said...

I have no idea how many UFOs I have...too many to admit to is the only thing I can say.

8. Gypsy Quilter said...

And they are very pretty blocks too. Are you going to add yellow?

9. Anonymous said...

Great idea Susan. I have a visual memory so I have to have things where I can see them -eg on a list or they cease to exist! LOL

Your blocks are looking very good.

10. Pokey said...

Yea! Keep it in your view, this one is very pretty!

11. Meredith said...

That is a really cool idea. I do like the blocks they remind me of an amish quilt that is in Classic quilts with a blck background.

12. Joanne Lendaro said...

Cool!! The green blocks are be-u-ti-ful!!!

13. Rene' said...

With me out of sight is definitely out of mind. That is my rationalization for having a little bit of a mess around. If I get too organized then I think I am done with everything. I like your current UFO..pretty greens.

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