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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Baby, It's Cold Outside!

It seems like just about everyone across the country is complaining about the cold weather. Even my sister-in-law who lives in Florida was saying that she had icicles hanging from her porch roof! January is supposed to be cold, but the temperatures that we have been experiencing the past few days are a bit ridiculous. It's a good thing that I have plenty of quilts and goodness knows I have lots of fabric on hand so I can make more...I just hope the firewood holds out!


1. NEEDLEWINGS said...

This looks so inviting!

2. Needled Mom said...

I know. It sounds dreadful everywhere. We are blessed with nice warm temps in So. CA and for that I am grateful. I don't do well in cold.

3. Anonymous said...

Yes even we have had snow settle again. So surreal seeing it on the beach. I've taken lots of pics- so beautiful. It feels like Christmas again at our house.

4. Unknown said...

Your home looks so cozy Susan! Its so cold here in Ma. my thermometer jumped off the side of my house! Oh well, do we really need to know exactly how cold it is outside?? freezing!!
Eileen G.

5. antique quilter said...

oh yes it is tooooo cold here too at least it is nice and sunny today!
stay in and keep warm!

6. Anonymous said...

My cousins just went to Arizona for their honeymoon and it had snowed there!!! I must say, it is even too cold for me!

7. quiltingnana said...

It's cold here too and wrapping up in a quilt is so comfortable!

8. Anonymous said...

The coldest it has been here in a long time...the duration of temps below freezing isn't nice at all! Keep cozy..looks wonderful.

9. Jocelyn said...

Yep it is really COLD in Florida. We usually get a few days of cold but then it warms up again. Not this time, we have more 32 degree weather in the forecast, at least until the weekend. Can't seem to get warm in our old Florida houses :-(

10. julia said...

Okay, I'm convinced that I need to get up stairs under my afghan!!! And turn on the heating pad!!!!

11. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

It has been really cold here too, in the teens. Tomorrow we are supposed to get snow and wind again, like on Christmas and a cold front is coming through the area as well. A cold front, yeah and it is only about 14 during the day!

12. Barb said...

Your comfy quilt close to the stove is so pretty and looks very inviting! I think I need an "electric" snuggie...do they make those?! Enjoy the rest of your week!

13. Jackie's Stitches said...

I love the picture in this post - so warm and cozy!

I live in Florida and people think it's warm all the time. While it may be warmer than most places, this week we're still pretty cold!

14. Rene' said...

It IS cold here in Florida! We don't even have a real fireplace...just one of those fake gas ones that isn't even set up ;-)) I need to go back to Montana where I can at least sit by the fire. So glad you have your quilts to keep you warm!

15. Deb said...

Susan I think the year the temps are extremes all around, either extra cold and extra hot like we are experiencing here. We can't all be satisfied can we. I know I would rather have the colder weather and you would rather have the hot.

16. Shelly said...

Your picture looks so cozy . . . can I come over? Our little ranch shack doesn't have real heat, and when they told us that next Saturday's HIGH for the day is only supposed to be MINUS 1, I wanted to cry! I'm sure we'll spend Saturday trying to keep water pipes from freezing, and wrapped in blankets in front of our space heater . . .

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