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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Houston, We Have A Problem

My new fascination with fabric dye is creating a problem...it's growing the fabric stash that I have been working so hard to trim down! I think I need to plan some projects and do some stitching before my next dyeing session. How quickly do you think I can use up 7 yards of hand dyed fabric?


1. Doreen K. said...

Well, your "problem" is so gorgeous. What a beautiful selection of fabics you have ended up with. I have wanted to try dying like that, is there a book that tells you how much dye and such to use?

2. Anya said...

Well, you could make me a quilt...: )

3. quiltingnana said...

you could always give some to me...they are beautiful

4. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

They are pretty, make a big quilt with big pieces, LOL

5. Jocelyn said...

I agree with Anya, you could make me a quilt too! Those fabrics are gorgeous :-)

6. Betsy said...

7 yards of one color would make a lovely cathedral windows. With the slight variation in each wondow it would definetly add some zing.

7. Barb said...

WOWSER those are gorgeous colors...and I could raise my hand and ask for a quilt too :>)! Enjoy your new found hobby, and sew, sew, sew quilts!

8. Deb said...

Great colours Susan. I definitely think its a problem worth having.
Gosh I don't think you will have any problems finding things to make.

9. Anonymous said...

I so love your problem Susan. :-) I can imagine exotic flowers on black with those. Wonderful dyeing.

10. Dena said...

Well, if this is the worst of your problems. LOL Have fun using up your stash.

11. marjorie said...

Love your colors! and the grape juice jar!!!! Yes I share your problem here in Brooklyn NY. More like a magnificent obsession. I just can't stop!

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