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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

No Power? No Problem!

The power was out for a few hours yesterday, thanks to a faulty transformer up the street. Have you noticed that everything you want to do when the power is out requires electricity? I thought about dusting the living room or mopping the floors, but then I remembered the bag of 30's reproduction fabrics that I bought a couple weeks ago and decided to cut them up. I now have all the blocks cut for a disappearing nine patch quilt and "lucky" for me the power was out long enough so I could get some cleaning done too.


1. Jocelyn said...

Great way to use your time! Love the 30's fabrics.

2. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

Funny how much you can get some things done when your forced to. I got a lot of things done last week with no computer.

3. Mrs Quilty said...

That disappearing 9 patch is very interesting...I am expecting my 2nd grandchild in November and have 10 fat quarters of baby flannel and think maybe I should do this quilt. Easy and quick!

4. Anonymous said...

When we lived in the countryside the power would often go. Initially I would be "can't be on the computer, I'll sew... can't be on the machine, I'll load the washing machine... can't do the washing I'll have a coffee... can't boil the kettle EEEK!" I did get used to it eventually. I love how you used your computer free time- you've definately got your priorities straight. :-)

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