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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Quilt Magazines

I admit it...I'm a quilt magazine addict! I find it nearly impossible to walk past a newsstand without looking through the quilt magazines and I almost always walk away with at least one in my shopping basket. They are less expensive than the average quilting book (which I also find hard to resist), but the cost does mount up at $7 or more per publication. The other day I was discussing the cost of my addiction with a friend and she was quick to point out that the average quilt pattern costs over $8 for just one pattern, so if you figure that the average quilt magazine has about 20 patterns, its value would be over $150! I love a good bargain more than anything and that's a deal that's too good to pass up! I guess I won't be swearing off the quilt magazines after all!


1. Jean said...

I'm with you on that one, Susan. I am a quilt magazine junkie! They are the biggest bargain of all. Some patterns you might make now, some in later years. I like to get them out occasionally and look through them again...sometimes you find projects that seemed too hard when you got the magazine and now you are ready for it. Also, if you shop at discount stores (WalMart, Sam's, etc) you might find magazines will have the same discounts as books. One of the local supermarkets has discounts on their magazines too.
Course it is usually cheaper just to subscribe to them....

2. Barb said...

Oh thank you, I now feel much better about my habit of buying a quilt mag. in the grocery store or the pharmacy...guilty no more :>)!!

3. Mrs Quilty said...

Very good strategy! I love them too! Thanks for relieving my guilt. We women deserve to buy them guilt free!! Too many other things leave us with guilt!

4. Betsy said...

Susan have you considered subscrbing to the magazines,? They are so much more economical that way.

5. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

I never looked at it that way. Good thought. Now I won't feel guilty when I want to buy one.

6. Dena said...

I like your friend's way of justifying. I, too, love my quilt magazines. But some of them have increased their costs so much it's difficult to afford all of them. Of course, I have tons of patterns and techniques that I've saved from all these magazines through the years... Guess I better get moving on making some of them. LOL

7. Jackie's Stitches said...

I've not bought much in the way of quilting magazines as yet. There are SO many! But it does seem like they are equivalent to the cost of a pattern.....hmmmm...maybe I should be looking at these more!

8. Jocelyn said...

Oh Susan, I have the addiction too. I agree that you can get more patterns in the magazine, but only if they are patterns you like! I've also sometimes find quilting magazines in the thrift stores and library bookstores. Much better to get them for 50c even if they are a few months old.

9. Pokey said...

I pick up alot of them, and I have 3 subscriptions. I justify the purchase by only buying a magazine where they are discounted off the cover price. Lots of great info in there, and oo-o, love the pretty colors! pokey

10. Becky said...

I bought both of those top two this weekend...used my 40% off JoAnns' coupon for one and Walmart for the other...they give 10% off all their magazines. And they advertised the new one that does the Shop Hops for you...that is my all time fav one and is available in the beginning of next month! yeah. I try to get all of them. Love magazines wtih quilt ideas! All that color!

11. whimzeestitches said...

I like that way of thinking! I am a magazine junkie too and although I subscribe to many many quilt magazines, I still wind up buying one or two here and there when I see them and know I don't have it, well, sometimes, it becomes a double!

12. Anonymous said...

I think the magazines are good value too. They often give patterns by people I've not heard of and if I like the pattern a lot I look and see what other patterns they have designed. They are also more up to date with the current trends or new inventions. The ones in the UK also let you know about the major shows coming up and how to buy tickets.

13. Julie @ Jaybird Quilts said...

get a subscription to save even more.. and its fun to get something in the mail other than bills!

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