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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dyeing To Try This...


1. Jean said...

I would really like to learn to dye fabrics! Did it say what type of dyes they used?

Have you been to Judi's blog? http://judiscrazyworld.blogspot.com/
She dyes fabrics many ways, but her snow dyeing techniques are very interesting...she has some fresh examples on her blog today.

2. Dena said...

I saw this technique demonstrated on one of the sewing/quilting shows and it looked like so much fun. I've been wanting to try it and you may have just given me that extra push that I needed. Thanks!

3. Judi said...

Thanks for the you tube video. I haven't tried that technique before I think I will have to try it.

4. Barb said...

This technique reminds me of the Phil Beaver Fabric Painting Class at Quilt Odyssey, but he does not use the shaving creme part of the painting! The fabric painting is fun, I took the class ☺ a couple of years ago! It is kind of messy too!

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