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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Experiment Gone Wrong Or Right?

This quilt top is the end result of my experimental block project. It's not at all what I had first envisioned. I wasn't happy with how all the different blocks looked next to each other and I really didn't want to add sashing, so I decided to jumble the pieces and let them fall as they may. The arrangement wasn't horrible and reminded me a bit of a maze or a tetris puzzle, so I left it as it was. It isn't the most beautiful quilt that I have ever made, but it was fun to play with and I'm sure Project Linus will be happy to accept it once it is finished!


1. Karen said...

Now I really like that! The block arrangement is great. I would say it is an experiment gone right!!

2. Dena said...

It does resemble a puzzle and anyone would be happy to receive it.

3. marlene@ByTheSeam said...

All quilts are right! It looks good and will make a nice quilt for your Project Linus!

4. Julia said...

I love Tetris! You are so generous with your time and talents.

5. Mrs Quilty said...

I love tetris, too! How fun! It's a darling quilt! As Karen said, it is an experiment gone right! Good Job!

6. Lori said...

I have to agree that it may not be the most beautiful- but it certainly isn't awful. I'm sure someone will really treasure it!

7. Quiltdivajulie said...

Actually, I rather like that it appears to be random ~ a bit like a piece of modern artwork ... it was made with heart and soul which means it is all GOOD!

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