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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Quilted Artwork

I finally finished the wall hanging that I made from Miss One's artwork. I hand quilted it by following the swirl pattern in the border print and even though it doesn't show very well in the photo...I didn't have any trouble going back to stitching small even stitches.


1. Anonymous said...

That is lovely. Welcome back to Blogland. I missed seeing your wonderful makings. Glad to hear that you've been getting the Spring Cleaning Fever. LOL

2. Barb said...

Very sweet little wall quilt...I am sure you did very well returning to small stitches.

3. Anya said...

Nice job with the hand quilting.

4. Jean said...

Very cute, you will have a lasting art project from your granddaughter.

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