About Me

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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Burgers And Bob The Builder

A couple of weeks ago hubby and I found ourselves in Coudersport for the day. While we were there, we stopped at Fezz's Diner for a late lunch before heading home. Fezz's is an authentic little diner that was moved from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania to Coudersport a couple of years ago. They have fantastic burgers and it's worth the trip to Coudersport just to eat at Fezz's! Across the parking lot from the diner is the Mill Creek Plaza which houses a small Ben Franklin store. Like most Ben Franklin's they have a little bit of everything, including some fabric, which is where I found this Bob the Builder panel and coordinating backing fabric in the bargain bin. I just couldn't pass it by. I added a little quilting, binding and as quick as one, two, three I had a completed quilt ready to donate to Project Linus!


1. Jean said...

Wow you have been getting a lot finished. I think working with your stash is just as good as a ufo because you are using up what you have already.

2. Hunter said...

What a cheerful little quilt. And my mouth is watering for a great burger.


3. maria said...

You are so kind to buy fabric and make a blanket for Project Linus.

I enjoy your blog.


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