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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

California Cow

I've been tagged by Melanie at Jellybeanangel. The rules are to open the 6th picture folder on your computer, open the 6th photo and blog about it. Then tag 6 more people to do the same.

The 6th file in My Pictures is the file that I keep the photos that my son and daughter-in-law have sent to me over the past few years. My son's first duty station was at Camp Pendleton in San Diego, California. While there he and his wife went to Disney, San Diego Zoo, Universal Studios and all of the other popular tourist spots. This California cow was at one of those places and sent to me for a giggle. Wouldn't the fabric on those boxers look wonderful in a quilt?

Now to keep the fun going, I'll tag...

Anya at Hills Creek Quilter

Shelly at ...a needle pulling thread

Quiltdivajulie at Me & My Quilts

Cheri at Jovaliquilts

Jean at Jean's Page

Kathy at Creative Urges


1. Anonymous said...

Hilarious! :o) I can't believe that was the picture you had to put up!

2. Anonymous said...

Well done for joining in. Oh that cow made me laugh! In Liverpool they had a big thing called a lambanana- yep a lamb ccum banana shaped sculpture in so many different colours. It was part of the Capital of European Culture 2008 I think.

3. Jean said...

Funny pic...I will see what I can come up with...I wish I had that in my backyard.

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