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I am a wife, mama and grandmama getting through life by hanging on to a needle and thread.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Notice A Trend?

Yes, it's another selvage project, but did you notice that my selvage projects have gotten smaller as the week has worn on? There's a reason for that...I have just about depleted my selvage stash while on this stitching binge! It's not like I can run down to my local quilt shop and buy selvages, so I guess the only thing for me to do now is start collecting again. Which means lots of "plain old" sewing and piecing before I can get another selvage fix. Of course, there is another option...I could seek out a selvage dealer. I might be able to find one in the back ally behind Needles Quilt Shop or if I haven't already convinced you that you need to be sewing with your selvages you might consider helping to feed my addiction by sending them to me...in a plain brown wrapper of course!


1. Barb said...

Susan ~ Laughing here, but I need to tell you I am becoming jealous ;>)!! Let me know IF you find a *selvage* dealer in your back alley...I WANT IN! Have a great day!

2. Anya said...

OK, I could arrange something...you just have to make it worth my while...

3. Anonymous said...

LOL oh Susan, it's a bad addiction you have there. You may have to go to a rehab sewing retreat to get clean. :-)

Just don't go onto street corners with a cap to beg for selvedges. LOL

Lovely ideas and work.

4. Jean said...

Oh all you have to do is spread the word and people will start giving them to you. It is something I never cut off whole before, but now will. I am in the middle of my first project, though it is a lot of tedious sewing putting them together.

5. Kelly Jackson said...

What a hoot!!! I gave Anya some of my salvages when I was in PA. Geez...I guess I better put them aside to feed you girls when I come back to town. I know how the bug goes....when I get a bug....I can't stop either. MJ gets me on those sewing bugs...and I end up with a zillion of something that I love. Lots to share then.

6. Becky said...

I am trying to clean my sewing room. I have some selvages that I would be happy to send to you. Send me an e-mail if you are interested.

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